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31 July 2012

Some more from July

Sharing some more  nature photos clicked in July :)

But its not raining anywhere :(
The rain is shying away from me and whenever I'm ready to capture its beauty, it vanishes :( 

Moreover there are flowers and butterflies plus one beautiful pathway and a gorgeous Velvet Mite :)

Enjoy !

26 July 2012

Jubilant July

July is bringing me beauty, freshness and hopes with the Monsoon. Can be a mood lifter or make me laze away. I'm all in love with the rain. Everything in the surrounding nature gets all vibrant in colour and brings the purity of the environment. The pitta-patter of the rain drops sings lullaby giving me comfort and content of heart.  My recent experience with the nature is shown away. Aren't they beautiful!


July is the start of Monsoon time in India. Rain soothes us from the summer time and brings in peace and calmness. It is associated with agriculture and relief for the other flora and fauna. A peace to the entire ecosystem. But it can as well be disastrous in the form of flood and drain clogs which is common in many parts of the country and cities. It brings in fresh water to the earth and the water bodies are all filled up. <3