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28 January 2013

Waterfoul Census_Chandaka 13'


Last year had been twice lucky to participate in the waterfowl census for Odisha. This year too, out of the office schedule, I got involved in two census places. Chandaka and Nandankanan

For friends who want more idea on what I am talking about please go through the following two links:

This was also a nice and different experience, considering the new places one visits, birds you search and the company of like-minded senior birding people. Its all a goody feeling. The initial plan was with Udayan, but as he was in New Delhi I tried connecting to other folks. :) Next time lets not miss the fun!

Got ready at 4.30 am. Got picked by Manoo di along with sanjib bhai. (It was very kind of them to pick me up for the trip, even though my place was in such an opposite direction.) We reached the place by 6 and after some tea, group discussion and grouping we were ready to move on to our respective places for annual water bird counting.
I got into Shakti bhai and Sanjib bhai's group and the journey began. I do not have much bird photos but there are more of travel photos. 

Rest let the pictures talk :) 

The Entry Gate to Chandaka 
All gearing up for the census

Nanda, an elephant was nearby - of course tied up :P
We off to the destination
It was all foggy. The feeling was beautiful there.

The Forest official, Shakti Bhai and Sanjib Bhai looking out for the birds.

Caught the sunrise

Some beautiful reflections
Grey Francolin
The clear water and clean environment 
Long-Tailed Shrike
Lesser-Whistling Ducks
Pretty water lily
Little Grebe
Inside Chandaka 

Liked this path made with vehicle tyres
Some beautiful ladies working there
A crocodile in sight
A little bird, I could not recognise
Ambilo watch tower area - Chandaka
Elephant foot marks near the water body
Soura Billa
Deras - Most common place for the city picnickers

Shakti bhai and Sanjib Bhai


The places we visited,  Guptapada, Kajalabanda/ Manupur, Dhalaswar, Languri, Ambilo and Saura Billa. 

The Birds listed were:

  • Little Cormorant
  • Lesser Whistling Duck
  • Pintail Snipe
  • Common Snipe
  • Little Grebe
  • Purple Moorhen
  • White-Throated Kingfisher
  • Small-Blue Kingfisher
  • White-breasted Waterhen
  • Bronze-Winged Jacana
  • Pond Heron
  • Yellow Wagtail
  • White Wagtail
  • Grey Wagtail
  • Red-Wattled Lapwing
  • Yellow-Wattled Lapwing
  • Cattle Egret
  • Little Egret
  • Intermediate Egret 

Unlike the previous Chandaka trip, this was a little dry in terms of the birds there. I hardly have any bird photo clicked because either they were only visible for recognition or too common to click. But the experience overall was good and surely looking forward to again visit the beautiful place.

Love <3>

Tanuja :)